Make the most of the talents of your team
Get the basics for a great team right - fast!
Get on the same page as a team through two focused team session. While respecting the fundamental principle behind any succesful team you will progress i this direction: First WHO - then WHAT.
The first team session is about the WHO - the people in the team, your unique differences and strengths.
The second team session os about the WHAT - focussing on what a great team looks like, your team purpose and the results you are going to create.
Nothing beats a great start
Plug and play
Everything you need to run a successful team session in a breeze.
Highly Engaging
20% teaching and 80% highly engaging team tasks, that turn what you learn into action.
60-90 minutes
The duration depends on the size of the team and the level of engagement.
Team Session
The focus of the beam is to get the team learn and grow together.